Last week a co-worker asked me why ultra marathons, as opposed to “regular marathons.”
“They have way better snacks,” I said. It’s kind of funny that’s the first thing I thought of. “Instead of just Gatorade and GU, they have Oreos and soup and grilled cheese at the aid stations.”
“Also, it’s a really great vibe. Everyone is so nice and it’s not too competitive. You don’t feel bad about having to walk or being slow. People are just out here like, ‘we are all doing this!'”
On Friday I had breakfast with several running friends and everyone agreed, it is a much more laid back atmosphere. Even the elite runners who win stick around to drink beer and cheer on everyone else coming in. “You would never see that at a road race,” one of my friends commented.
Saturday during my long run I decided to make a list of reasons why I run ultras (in addition to the aforementioned amazing aid station food).
- Being in nature. This is probably the number one reason that I love ultras. They are normally on trails, and the scenery is beautiful. Of course you don’t want to spend too much time looking at the scenery because you need to be on the lookout for roots, AKA toe catchers. Which brings me to:
- Focusing on the present. Because of the changing landscape and conditions, you have to really focus on what you are doing. If your mind strays to that issue at work or the housework that needs doing, you are liable to find yourself flat on your face. The only other time I have similar “forced presence” is when I am riding my motorcycle. For that reason I don’t listen to music while I’m on the trails.
- No need to worry about being run over by a car. Seriously, it seems like every time I run on the road there are distracted drivers a little too close for comfort. Even though I often run a little ways into the field along the shoulder I still worry that someone texting and driving is going to take me out.
- Better for your body. It is crazy, my legs hurt much more after 10 miles on the road than 26.2 on the trail. When trail running, you use different muscles and the softer ground doesn’t beat up your feet as much.
- Laid-back vibe. The race that really got me hooked on trails last year was the T-Rex. I loved the old school hand made signs and prize drawing at the end.
- Sense of community. There is nothing like spending hours running/hiking with someone to get to know them. This was most clear to me at the winter challenge 50K earlier this year.
- Because I can. I will likely never be a fast runner. But I can go far. I love just spending hours out there chugging away. I have not yet met my limit. Had I not had the stomach issues at the double marathon, I’m confident that I would have finished.
- Physical health. See the photo at the beginning of this post. I never want to get back to looking like the image on the right.
- Mental health. Last year I went through a period of depression, and ultra running helped me find my grounding. I was able to work out a lot of things on the trails. Turns out this is quite common. For more information check out the awesome organization Still I Run.
So now that you know the why, on to the what the training looks like!
The Weekly Wrap
Monday: 20 minutes strength training
Tuesday: 15 minutes core workout, 3 miles hill work (ladders)
Wednesday: 20 minutes strength workout, 3 miles recovery run
Thursday: 15 minutes core workout, 6 miles with surges
Friday: rest day
Saturday: 17 mile easy run
Sunday: 6 miles on tired legs
For more fitness inspiration be sure to check out these running link ups: The Weekly Wrap hosted by hosted by HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home and Tuesdays on the Run with Patty, Erika, and Marcia!
At this point in my life, ultras really appeal to me–except the distance would probably do me in. I guess I should say “trail runs” appeal to me! LOL
trail runs are the best, no matter what the distance!
I can definitely see the appeal of running an ultra! I just don’t think my body would hold up for that distance. Maybe one day!
you would be surprised!
I totally agree with all your reasons for ultra running, though I have “only” done two. The atmosphere is so different, and not the least bit competitive. And the food is amazing!
Yes, yes it is. Much better than Gatorade and GU 🙂
I am in awe of ultra runners like you. I loved half marathons, but that’s all I had in me, haha. And, I should have spent more time on the trails.
On the roads I dont like to do more than half marathons. Trails are much nicer!
I never even entertained the prospect of going more than 26.2 but you shared many compelling reasons to do so. Just being out of traffic and out in nature is so wonderful!
Start with a 50K, next thing you know you’ll be hooked 😉
These are all reasons I went into ultras too!
I need to start training for my first ultra – I’m planning a 24 hour run in December. Love your reasons “why”.
Oh wow, how fun!
while I don’t think I will be doing ultras anytime soon (anytime, actually), I totally can understand the appeal! and I would do it for great snacks almost!! running a “normal” marathon is already a serious test of will, running an ultra is very awe-inspiring and I have a lot of respect for those who do it!
thank you 🙂
You know, I think I needed to read this. I keep hearing all those awesome things about ultras and I need to keep my eyes forward while I’m struggling through this training. LOL. I WANT OREOS AND GRILLED CHEESE AND COMMUNITY AND ALL THAT STUFF!!! 🙂
I never would have thought that ultra runners would be more laid back!! Trail running does seem more laid back. So glad that you have found something that works so well for you
My running buddy (who happens to be my favourite cousin too!) loves trail running. And she would agree with you on so many of these points, if not all. She did a 35k route in Cape Town (which included going up Table Mountain) but was terrified of doing a Half Marathon Road Race. When I told her but 21.1 is shorter than 35, she said “You are yet to learn dear cousin of mine – trail is so remarkably different. I can just go and go and go”.
so true! Time goes by so quickly on the trail.
You definitely make ultra running sound appealing. For me, it would definitely have to be on trails as I love being out in nature more than anything! We just don’t have good trails nearby. I love the pics of the wildflowers this week. Also, that’s an amazing transformation picture! You’ve been on quite a journey and should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished. Thanks for linking!
thank you!
You had me at grilled cheese 🙂
My husband is a lot more into trails/ultras. I can definitely see the appeal. Unfortunately I broke my leg in February and trails will be the last thing I’ll be clear to do again!
oh no, hope you heal quickly!