Sometimes a book catches your eye in a bookstore. Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything was a book that did just that. After all, I figured it would be a good addition to my exploration of issues surrounding food.
From the author’s website:
The way you eat is inseparable from your core beliefs about being alive. No matter how sophisticated or wise or enlightened you believe you are, how you eat tells all. The world is on your plate. When you begin to understand what prompts you to use food as a way to numb or distract yourself, the process takes you deeper into realms of spirit and to the bright center of your own life. Rather than getting rid of or instantly changing your conflicted relationship with food, Women Food and God is about welcoming what is already here, and contacting the part of yourself that is already whole—divinity itself.
Part One describes principles, basically that we eat for reasons other than hunger, and that we need to figure out what those are, even though it is really difficult. Truthfully, it’s not that much different from the journaling that I learned in Weight Watchers.
Part Two describes practices to help you live in the moment, to face our feelings and not use food as a way to escape, or to be somewhere else. I kind of skimmed some of the New-Age type of stuff. I got the feeling that it was nice to read about, but in order to be useful one would have to actually practice it. Preferably in a workshop setting. And wouldn’t you know it–the author provides those! Online, even. Along with several other books/downloads.
Part Three describes people’s thoughts about eating and food, and some of the underlying psychological principles for why we either eat all we can for the sheer delight or starve ourselves only to give in later. I definitely noticed that I go through periods in my life of both.
At first I thought well, this is kind of a rip-off, I just paid $24.99 for a promo for buying more materials. I remembered when I went through Jonny Bowden’s Diet Boot Camp, where he said not to worry about the reasons why, just focus on the NOW and move forward. Then I realized they were actually quite similar; eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full.
It’s not rocket science, but upon further reflection, do think that Women Food and God does what it sets out to do–to introduce one to the concept of making a lifestyle change, to live in the now, in order to make a better future.
The winner of the giveaway
was Abby B! Thank you all for entering. I was touched by a number of the responses. It’s obvious that this topic struck a chord with many, so I’m thinking about how to make a series to help all of us with this issue. Any ideas let me know!
I went to this thing called “Weigh Down Workshop”, it was like small group meetings, with a Christian focus. It had the exact same message – Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full. And 10 years later, I still haven’t internalized that message. So please enter me in the contest, maybe this book will get through where Gwen Shamblin didn’t.
What an interesting sounding book. I hadn’t seen it or heard of it before. (Some how I missed it each time I went into the book store). I would love to read it.
I have a copy of the book and I am already a subscriber but I do think the book does a good job of introducing a different way to look at the lifestyle change. I, like you, think there is a lot of promotion going on, but as everything I read. I take what I need and leave the rest. Her sharing of things that happen during in workshops, for me, set it up as books often too, to remind us we are not alone in this journey.
.-= Jules – Big Girl Bombshell´s last blog ..Weight: A Ghost Story =-.
I’d love to win a copy of this book. I saw it featured on Oprah (I’m an avid Oprah watcher) and Oprah claims she “will never diet again!” due to this book. I’m certainly curious about what it has to say.
.-= Powered By Produce´s last blog ..What The Heck Is… Trans Fat? =-.
I am already a subscriber 🙂
This book caught my eye in the bookstore – very catchy title! I’d love to win a copy, because I’m always interested in spiritual approaches to dealing with eating problems.
I subscribe with Google RSS!
What a catchy title! I do believe that there is a connection between how/what we eat and what we believe! Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh my gosh-my friend was JUST recommending this book to me yesterday at lunch. I’m very interested in reading it. The psychological element to eating is fascinating to me. I would love to hear her expertise on the subject.
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I am interested in winning this book! Thanks for the chance.
I am a subscriber on Google Reader.
Throw my name in the mix! I am not sure if I follow you or if you follow me! There’s so much stuff in my inbox it takes me an hour to filter it all out!
Ya know, I have to win one of these times! I REALLY wanted that Real Food on a Budget thingy. Did I NOT win that one???
.-=´s last blog ..GOODBYE THOMAS’, HELLO HOMEMADE! =-.
I would love to win this book. Thanks!
I’ve never liked the way I eat or what it has said about me as a person or what it says about how I view myself. I have struggled with weight and have begun eating healthier with the help of my husband, children and a lovely little garden full of good eats. I would love to read this book and would love to have a copy of my own.
I have lost over 100 lbs since the birth of my daughter, but have about 50 more pounds to go. I know, at this point, it’s emotional eating that is keeping me from dropping these last several pounds. Having a means to examine and deal with this behavior would be incredibly wonderful. This sounds like an excellent book! Thank you!
Cee, that’s incredible! You are an inspiration.
I’d like to win a copy of the book!
I subscribed by email.
Like so many people, I eat when I am bored or lonely or angry. I would love to figure out why, and how to get in control.
I have struggled my entire life with my weight. I am always trying to find out why I eat what I eat, when I eat, how much I eat. I know it is me. Food is my sin, my vice, it is like poison to me. I know with God’s help I can conquer it. Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity and Good Luck Everyone 🙂
I follow you with Google Reader 🙂
I’m a part of a CSA, and I’d love to learn more ways to cook with the food we get – and just live this simple lifestyle.
I’d like to win and read this book to see if it mentions that some of the foods you are currently eating may be causing inflammation that in turn 1) messes with your metabolism and 2) creates an urge for you to eat more.
I would love to read this. Thanks
My sister was just talking about this book. A woman in her book club was talking about it. She mentioned about how much she wants to read it. I would love to win it for her.
I like the title of this book; all three words are interchangeable!
I have seen the author interviewed and have read reviews of this book. I would love to read it, it sounds so interesting.
google reader subscriber
Seems very interesting I am having quite a time with food during my pregnancy would love to read
I subscribe
This sounds like a very interesting book. Would love to read it.
I heard this was a good book
It looks very interesting and has received rave reviews, I’d love to read it, thanks!
i saw this on Oprah and would love to read it
i am a subscriber via google reader
I’d like to find out why I eat.
This sounds like a fascinating book and I’d love to read it!
Sounds like an interesting read 🙂