Happy Memorial Day!
This weekend was one of mixed emotions. On Saturday we met some of our friends in Traverse City who ran the Bayshore Marathon and went wine tasting on Old Mission Peninsula. We stayed at my father in law’s property, which is an RV on 40 acres which used to be his family’s homestead. It was very beautiful and peaceful.
On Sunday we received news that a couple that my husband knows from his running group were in a boating accident with another friend and their two young children. The father died, the mom is in critical condition, and the two children were released from the hospital. It’s sort of shocking to think in the blink of an eye that something like this can happen. Our prayers go out to the family.
One of the nice things about staying in the RV this weekend is that two of our friends and their children stayed in their RV right next to ours. Most of our meals were shared together, and I was struck again how nice it is to share meals with others. The main dishes were from Simply in Season (I bet you saw that coming!) and I’ll be posting them tomorrow once I get a chance to type them up.
In garden news, I was disappointed the other day to find that the little carrot top sprouts were gone. Where did they go? The beets are doing fine and the peas too. DH suspects a rabbit got to them. So I guess I had better get a little fence up.
This week’s winner of Organic Manifesto was Chanelle who blogs at http://simplyrealfood.blogspot.com/. Don’t forget to participate in this week’s challenge–you can win a copy of Real Food on a Real Budget. The other giveaway going on right now is for The Town that Food Saved.
Good luck!
So sorry to hear about your friends. It is shocking what can happen that quickly to change so many lives.