Oh. My. Word. I am totally in love with this book. Usually I get excited about books like this and then am disappointed. Not this time!
Urban Pantry: Tips & Recipes for a Thrifty, Sustainable & Seasonal Kitchen by Amy Pennington is published by my new favorite imprint, Skipstone Books.
For starters, it is written in a very down-to-earth style. I’m finding more and more that some of these types of books are written in a way that makes me feel guilty; this one just comes across as helpful!
I sat down and read this whole book in one sitting, marking some of my favorite recipes that I haven’t tried yet (but will, so stay tuned!). Just look at the table of contents:
1. stocking the pantry 17
2. kitchen economy 41
3. whole grains 55
4. beans & peas 69
5. cooking with eggs 85
6. nuts 99
7. milk & yogurt 115
8. small-batch preserving 131
9. the pantry garden
As you can see, just about all the basics are covered. It’s a great resource to help you organize your pantry in preparation for the start of CSA season.
The winner has been chosen and notified; I apologize that that it was mistakenly advertised as being open until the 31st when, in fact, Wednesday is the 30th.
You can win a copy of your own!
Ashley (my new best friend) has offered to send one of my readers a copy of Urban Pantry. You can even choose whether you’d prefer an ebook or a printed book. You can earn up to three entries.
- Comment below saying what pantry item you couldn’t live without.
- Sign up for the Skipstone Newsletter and come back here, leaving a comment that you did.
- “Like” Skipstone Books on FaceBook, and come back here, leaving me a comment that you did.
Good luck! Entries will be accepted until Wednesday, March 30, midnight EST. Contest open anywhere in the world but only those in the U.S. will be able to choose the printed format as their prize; others will receive the ebook.
The pantry item I cannot live without is beans. That and homemade stock in my freezer. With those two things, dinner can be made!
I am in NEED of this book, I think. Thanks for the heads up!
LOVE. I can’t live without bulk oats, rice and beans!
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It’s hard to narrow it down, but definitely dried beans, homemade stock and bulk oats. Those are go to items around our home!
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We are barely making it but our pantry is well stocked in beans, oats, and corn flour. I look at all those jars and I feel very rich in food! Looking forward to the CSA season too!
Musts in my “pantry” (i.e., cupboard): rice (several varieties), beans, and lentils.
The must have item in my pantry is fresh herbs!
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Please enter me for this awesome book giveaway!!
I can’t live without rice!
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I can’t live without rice!!
The items in my pantry I cannot live without is organic brown rice and some sort of trail mix or nuts of any kind.
Olive oil. I use it to cook,for salad dressings and I also have beans at all times.
I signed up for the Skipstone news letter and am excited for all the new info I will be getting!
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Salsa. Mmm. I could not live without salsa 🙂
Pantry favorites-raw honey, and organic coconut oil 🙂
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Looks like a great book! I could not live without my bulk grains, especially quinoa!
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I would say my herbs and also rice.
Thank you for the chance to win. My pantry staple is canned pumpkin.
Tomatoes! white beans! chicken broth!
Olive oil, Olive oil, Olive oil!!!!! 🙂
I can’t live without my fresh herbs, bulk rice and my canned salsa.
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I can not live wit out peanut butter.
I can’t life without….oh my…..lots of things. I would say my RealSalt.
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pantry items I can’t live without is raw honey, coconut oil and coconut milk.
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I certainly couldn’t live without dried pasta.
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I can’t live without oats and rice
Mine would be pasta.
Oats, whole wheat, and peanut butter!
I can’t live without oats and beans.
oats and wheat flour
I could live without Pasta, brown sugar and peeled tomatoes!
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Couldn’t live without canned tomatoes!
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I couldn’t live without pasta. Seriously. Pasta deserves an entire shelf in the pantry!
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My favorite pantry item is whole wheat pasta!
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I liked Skipstone on Facebook! (Kayte CookWatts)
I “liked” Skipstone Books on Facebook! The pantry item I absolutely cannot live without is natural maple syrup. It’s an ingredient that’s used in so many dishes including breakfast items and sauces for stir-frys!
My current favorite pantry item is bread flour. I am using a bread machine, but will soon start using the bread in 5 minutes a day method.
I couldn’t live without vanilla!
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Parker OZgood
Applesauce I cant do without it..
I can’t live without crusty bread and canned san marzano tomatoes. Supper comes together rather quickly when these two are at hand.
I could not live without brown rice.
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Granulated sugar is my favorite pantry item.