In honor of Big Binder’s celebration of Michigan week, this week’s Top 10 List is Reasons I Love Michigan. And since this is a food blog, I made the top 5 food-related.
1. Our Wineries.
There actually a few different areas that are known for their wines. In the Southwest is St. Julian, which is probably the best known winery outside of Michigan. They have a wine festival in Paw Paw every fall, which is how I got started on my wine loving journey. And then there is beautiful Traverse City, with Leelanau Peninsula and Old Mission Peninsula. DH and I spent our honeymoon at Black Star Farms. It was awesome! You can learn more at
2. Our microbreweries.
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you also know that DH and I love beer, too. In fact DH is a home brewer. Our favorite local brewpubs are The Hideout and New Holland. Read all about them at
3. Michigan is the cherry capital of the U.S.
4. It’s also the blueberry capital!
5. It has a budding artisinal cheese movement.
OK, for the non-food related items:
6. We gave the world Motown, Tim Allen, Madonna, Ted Nugent, Eminem, and Kid Rock.
7. We have TWO peninsulas. So there.
8. You can show people where you live by pointing on your hand.
9. We’re close enough to Canada that you can go across the border between the ages of 18-21. ‘Nuff said.
10. Beautiful beaches, sand dunes, lakes, and waterfalls.
This post also linked to Top 10 Tuesday
Ah, see now one of the reasons I *don’t* love MI is because of Ted N., Eminem and Kid Rock 🙂 🙂
But we did produce the White Stripes, so…..
Such awesomeness!! Especially the cheese. Thank you for linking up.
Yeah! Go Michigan!
I think salt and shark free beaches is enough reason for anyone.
Oh this is great. We’ve often driving down through Michigan to visit friends. I’ll have to keep this post handy, especially for the food related items. Cheers
I love #8! I had a friend from MI when I was in elementary school and she showed me that fun trick! 🙂
.-= oh amanda´s last blog ..Top Ten {Tuesday}: How To Use the Disney World Mom’s Panel {GIVEAWAY!} =-.
As a fellow Michigan (well, former Michigan) girl, all I have to say is amen, sister. Those beaches are the best!
We Michiganders have SO MUCH to be grateful for! Like, we’ll NEVER run out of water. And, we have countless miles of pristine beaches. . . unlike so many of the Gulf Coast and possibly Eastern Seaboard states, with the horrible mess created by BP, which is getting worse by the day.
.-= Rejeana´s last blog ..Memorial Day Sale =-.
YUM! I love me some blueberries and cheese! 😀 Sounds like a great place to live! I admit that I’ve been to many states but not Michigan.
Thank you for sharing!
I didn’t know we are only a (Detroit) river away from each other.I live here in Windsor, Canada, although we are originally from Ohio. Been to Michigan once, only to watch NASCAR 🙂
.-= FoodTripFriday´s last blog ..FoodTripFriday#61 =-.
Yes Michigan the feelings frever! (remember that one?) I love the list and I love my home state!
Visiting from TILT
GREAT list. We stayed at Blackstar Farms for a wedding. That place is AMAZING!!
That picture is beautiful!!!!! I would love to go visit there now….where is it exactly? – Visiting from Top 10 Tuesday.
.-= SpitFire´s last blog ..Somewhere Out There =-.
hi! It’s Tahquamenon Falls in the U.P. So beautiful.
Spitfire if you ever get to go to Tahquamenon Falls, its about an hour north of the Mackinac bridge. Best time to go is in the late spring or early fall, like September. You can go in the summer and you have a good chance of getting great weather, but summer in the UP of Michigan means lots of bugs. There is an awesome elevated bridge pathway that you walk to get to the falls. It takes about an hour or so to walk it. But it is so beautiful that its worth it!
I moved to Chicago two years ago. When I was living there I realized that I never fully appreciated the beauty Michigan has to offer. Hearing the birds, seeing all the wildlife, many many lakes, and so many trees that its all washed in green in the summer. I moved back and I love the state much more than when I left. You never realize what you have till its gone. I’m glad I got it back. Michigan rocks!!!