(No, I didn’t spell it wrong!)
Wholistic refers to the whole person, taking into consideration the mind, body, and spirit. Holistic tends to refer to alternative therapies (which often take a wholistic approach . . . I know, confusing).
As you may know, I took a hiatus from The Local Cook for the past few months. While I’m not quite ready to go into detail about my journey, I want to let you know that it was needed for me to work on my relationship with food. It is very difficult being a food blogger when you are trying to get to a better place emotionally and physically. There are so many contradictions, and it is easy to get obsessed or even paralyzed at the conflicting information.
So, at the encouragement of my nutrition counselor, I took a break. I took an online class about internet marketing. I continued with my day job. I disabled my facebook page and deleted some of my blog profiles with sponsorship companies. I rejoined the Y (I have not used it much, but I plan to! I have worked on my attitude towards the gym). I did some soul searching. And, I missed blogging.
When I thought about The Local Cook, I realized that my scope had been expanding for some time. Even when I was a “food blogger” I came to realize that we are so much more than what we eat. Although food is an important part of our lives, it’s just as important to foster a healthy body, learn new things, develop good relationships with friends and family, and nourish our soul. We are more than a student, a mother, an employee, a spouse. The Local Cook has always been more than strictly a cooking blog.
So, I decided to relaunch with a new look and a new name. Wholistic Woman is a new space where I hope that women will be encouraged to live a life in balance, from eating healthy to learning new things to growing spiritually to creating art (even if one is not an “artist.”) Even Stephen Covey encourages us to “sharpen the saw.” Does this mean being good at all of those categories? No. Just like when I blogged mostly about food I acknowledged that no one is perfect, the same holds true for living in balance. Everyone is on their own journey, with their own destination.
I invite you to join me in mine.
P.S. The previous content from The Local Cook isn’t going anywhere! You can still access the recipes at www.wholisticwoman.com. Everything has been migrated. If the links get broken somehow in the migration, simply use the search feature at the top of the sidebar.
I look forward to reading more!
Congratulations! It says a whole lot about someone who says, ‘this isn’t working, going to do something different.’ Best of luck on your journey and thanks for taking us with you.
Looking forward to this! Let’s begin again!
I think I am going to love this!
Cindy, I’m so glad! I hope you have been well!