Chickpea & Colored-Carrot Couscous
When I saw this recipe in one of my old Clean Eating Magazines (July/August 2010), I thought "aha! What a good way to use up the carrots that have been hiding in my refrigerator."
When I saw this recipe in one of my old Clean Eating Magazines (July/August 2010), I thought "aha! What a good way to use up the carrots that have been hiding in my refrigerator."
My friends at Collective Bias issued another challenge: make something in a slow cooker, using Frank's Red Hot sauce. I decided to combine it with my Dark Days Challenge and created the following recipe, which turned out great if I do say so myself.
I thawed out a chicken from my local farmer in anticipation of this week's Dark Days Challenge meal. DH wanted to try brining it since he claims my crock pot version turns out too dry. "Store chickens have all that stuff injected in it," he said, "so I want to experiment and see if I can get a free range chicken more moist."
This recipe is based on a whole bunch that I found online. I had to bring a dish to pass and there was a large bag of quinoa from Costco in my pantry just begging to be used; so I searched for various recipes and cobbled together something based on what sounded good to me.
When the Culinary Arts College at Baltimore International College invited me to test one of their recipes, I knew as soon as I saw it that I would get DH to try the Barbeque Rib Sauce. There's nothing like DH's smoked ribs, but I've often wished he would do a sauce with them. It was the perfect opportunity!