Oh, Simply in Season, how I love you. I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you lately. It’s just that the few recipes left aren’t at the top of my “can’t wait to make” pile, such as the one for Seasoned Breadcrumbs. So when General Mills through MyBlogSpark offered me a the chance to do a review & giveaway for Panko, I figured this was my “out.”
It’s not that making breadcrumbs is particularly difficult. Everyone knows you simply take stale bread, dry in an oven at 250F, and crush in a blender or food processor, adding seasonings as desired. Thing is, I really don’t ever have stale bread lying around. We don’t eat much bread, so when we do buy it, it’s handmade from my friend with the brick oven or Ezekiel Food for Life. Neither of which are cheap or last very long (because we gobble it up). And I can’t remember when I actually used breadcrumbs in a recipe.
So I took the lazy way out. I signed up to receive the gift package of a box of Lemon Pepper Panko and the cookbook Bottega: Bold Italian Flavors from the Heart of California’s Wine Country (which, incidentally, includes a recipe for homemade bread crumbs, even though the author, Michael Chiarello, is a spokesperson for Progresso, which is the brand that makes Panko). And since I was taking the lazy way out anyway, I decided to just make the recipe on the box for baked, bread-crumbed chicken. For a side dish I threw some cauliflower and broccoli in a boiling pot of water. Like I said, I was taking it easy.
The Verdict: Good. Lemony. Easy. Satisfying. Not gourmet, but I got the veggies and protein in. Even The Local Cook needs an easy night once in awhile!
If you’d like to win a prize pack of your own, tell me what your “easy night” dinner is! Entries will be accepted until Nov. 4, midnight, EST.
And if that meal was LAST night, I would say you definitely deserved an easy peasy meal!
it was the night before. We got Thai food last night 🙂
My easy night dinner is breakfast for dinner!!
Easiest dinner ever…Kraft Mac and Cheese. It’s always a standby in our house!
crockpot chili is our go to easy dinner! tracietrump@yahoo.com
I’m sorta like Cara, my easy night is often breakfast for dinner but everyone loves it so you can’t lose there. But I also have an easy dinner that I like to make that’s frozen chicken breasts, quick thawed and sauteed in butter with a side salad (lettuce, tomato, shredded cheese and carrots). That’s it, simple but good.
My easy meal is pork chops with rosemary,brussel sprouts with balsamic vinegar and fried gnocchi.
My easy meal is picadillo with white rice. easy peasy
My easy night dinner is spaghetti and meatballs!
a very simple mexican casserole.
Easy night at our house is usually pork chops or chicken breasts on the George Foreman grill along with some variation of vegetable. 🙂
My easy night dinner is spagetti with meat sauce, garlic bread and salad.
abstractrose at yahoo dot com
Our easy night dinner is chili dogs!
Whenever I cook large quantities of food, I always freeze some of it. This makes for a simple, home cooked meal on nights when I don’t have time to make something from scratch. Thanks for the chance to win!
Easy meal is throw it on the grill. BBQ dogs or burgers. Easy, everyone loves it.
This would be good to make crab cakes with.
My easy night dinner would be Fried Rice usually on a Friday as a way to use up all the left over veggies and meat.
easy night” dinner is hotdogs and beans
If we’re really in a hurry, it’s tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches and sliced apples.
My easy night dinner is mac & cheese or hot dogs!
My easy dinner is soup and crackers
My easy meal is pasta and a salad on the side.
My easy dinner is either tacos, or sandwiches with soup.
My easy dinner is usually to cook up some chicken and put it over salad. Your dinner looks delicious. I’ll have to give it a try!
My easy night would definitely be center cut loin pork chops (shake and bake but panko would prbably be better) on a foil covered pan for no clean up with frozen creamed corn and side salas. It is my husband’s favorite and takes no time to prep!
Pizza or mac n cheese is our easy night.
Our favorite easy meals are spaghetti and tacos.
Ramen noodles with a little chicken thrown in for protein! Thanks!
Easy night meal is either spaghetti or soap/toasted cheese
thanks for te giveaway
Our easy night dinner is spaghetti. My husband and kids love it and wouldn’t complain if we had pasta every night.
Tuna melt sandwiches- pretty fast and easy
Our easy meal is spaghetti. suelee1998 @ gmail.com
Our easy night dinner is pancakes and bacon! Thanks!
My go to is tacos or pasta
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
I’m going to be honest and my easy night dinner is when we order pizza and have a movie night…No mess in the kitchen and easy clean up :o)
My easy meal is tuna noodle casserole
Chicken Caesar Salad!
I guess I can’t say take out can I?!? lol
Okay,then I’ll say stir fry. take some frozen veggies and chicken and stir them up with some sauce while the rice is cooking and dinner’s on the table in 15 minutes!!
Leftover meat lover’s pizza
My easy night dinner is tater tot casserole. It’s so easy to throw together and everyone loves it!
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
Easy dinner is homemade pizza if I already have the dough made, if not it’s quick stir fry or quesadillas.
Lasagna is my easy night dinner.
easy night dinner is anything in the crockpot or solar oven. Just through it together and wait all day. Lentil soup is always easy and good too.