Bok choy is, I think, my most favorite vegetable. So when I saw it at my first CSA pickup of the season I was ecstatic. If you’re not sure how to cook it, here is a fast and delicious method.
First, cut off the very end. Then peel apart the stalks. There will probably be dirt at the bottom where it grows together. Give it a good rinse.

Then, cut the stalk (white) part into one inch pieces or so. You can leave the leafy part in larger pieces.
Heat oil (I like sesame, but olive oil will work too) in a frying pan to medium. Add some garlic if you’d like (minced). Then add the stalky part, since that takes a bit longer to cook than the leafy part. When that seems softened, add the leafy part. Add a bit of water to the bottom of the pan so it doesn’t stick.
Drizzle soy sauce into the leaves. Sprinkle with Chinese 5 spice powder (or red pepper flakes, but I really like the 5 spice powder). Cover and let steam while you wait for the rest of the meal to finish. After a few minutes take it off the heat. The other night DH grilled venison to go with it, and I made brown basmati in the rice cooker. There will probably be some extra sauce at the bottom of the pan, so be sure to scoop some of that up as you serve it over rice.
So delicious!
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Ha! This is exactly what I will be doing with mine today! Served with Crane Dance Farms pork chops and some leftover wild rice. Oh…and a huge salad to use up some more of the greens from pick-up!
thanks for another idea for what to do with the bok choy I got last week!