Warning: Do not make this on an empty stomach! The smell will drive you crazy while it bakes.
This recipe is from the Spring Quiche Trio pages of Simply in Season. I’ve noticed that many of the vegetables available in the spring are also prevalent in the fall. In fact, the leeks were from today’s CSA pickup! The last pickup of the season, sniff.
I used the potato crust recipe, which is super easy – coarsely grate 3 C of potatoes, mix with 3 T of olive oil, and spread it on the bottom and up the sides of a pie pan. Bake at 425F for 15 minutes.
While it’s baking, you can make the filling, which is 1 1/2 C of leeks (or ramps, as wild leeks are called) and 1 C of cheese mixed together. The egg mixture is made in a separate bowl – beat together 3 eggs, 1 C of evaporated milk (or 1 C milk + 1/3 C dry milk powder), and a dash or two of salt and pepper.
When the crust is ready, put the leek/cheese mixture on first, then dump the egg mixture on top of that. I noticed the egg mixture was a bit on the stingy side so I didn’t feel the need to put MORE cheese on top (I know, what was I thinking). Bake at 425 for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 325F and cook for another 25-30 minutes. If you can stand the wait, you really should let it cool for 10-15 minutes.
The verdict: A huge thumbs up from DH. “This is good! It would be great for breakfast, with bacon crumbled on top.” Yes, it was savory indeed. Lots of leeks but leeks are very mild, making this a very tasty dish.
This recipe linked to the Ultimate Recipe Swap at Life As Mom
Love the new design, it looks great! This quiche looks fantastic too! I love leeks but always forget about then when thinking about what veggies to use!
I, too have been a member at Trillium for 3 years now, and must say, leeks are one of my favorites! I will definitely be making this, as I also have leeks from the last (sniff) weeks pick-up.
Cindy Young
And I LOVE the whole idea behind your blog and have been following it for a while now.
Yummy! As a fellow Trillium Haven CSAer/ite? I’m thankful for this blog…so many delicious ways to make use of our wonderful end-of-season selections. Thanks…you’re doing a great job! I enjoy DH’s comments, too! 🙂