What can churches in North America learn from churches in Nicaragua about community ministry? That’s what I plan to find out next week when I’m in Nicaragua. It will be my first time in Nicaragua, but not in Latin America. My very first mission trip ever was in Costa Rica when I was in high school. I’ve been back a few times for work–Honduras twice and Guatemala once. Most people assume I will be building something, probably because that’s what all the short term missions teams show when they get back. I won’t be building anything though–nor will I be giving anything away. I’m not going to give. I’m going to receive. I’ll be traveling with a very special group of people from around the U.S. and Canada who do community development. Our mission? To see what we can learn from the work being in done in Nicaragua, and how we might use international experience as a springboard to encourage and equip churches in North America to do community development in their own neighborhoods. “Like” Wholistic Woman on Facebook to follow along! I will post as whenever I have access to internet.
Category: Global PerspectiveTag: community development, global perspective, missions, Nicaragua
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