So after the Winter Trail Fest Half Marathon, I was only able to get in a 6.5 mile run before heading to Montana for work. The person I was staying with told me that the roads were too icy to run so I didn’t pack my running shoes. I was kicking myself when I arrived, though, because a warm spell had made the roads safe to run on. Ugh! Oh well, I enjoyed seeing some of the sights.
Part of my work is making presentations to churches, and I was able to take some photos of this one built in the early 1900s. Gorgeous!

My time in Montana was brief and I flew home on Friday to turn around and fly to Colorado the next day. Having learned my lesson, I packed plenty of running clothes!
On Saturday morning I arrived in Denver, and my hosts suggested that I try to run Washington Park. Unfortunately I missed a turn and ended up on Cherry Creek Trail Instead. Oh well, it was delightful!
Sunday after church I decided to get in my long run. I knew not to push it because I was not used to the elevation and dry air, but I took it easy and had a ball.
Monday was a much-needed rest day. I only had a few appointments and was able to get a nap in as well as catch up on emails.
Tuesday I had meetings scheduled starting at noon through the rest of the evening, so I managed to find the Washington Park route. I can only imagine it would have been so much more beautiful with green scenery.
On Wednesday I had meetings bright and early until two PM ish. My hosts suggested that I go check out Red Rocks so I did! After a few times up and down the stairs I was done for. Great workout even though my Garmin stats aren’t that impressive, haha. I got two miles in maybe?

I just had to take this photo of the John Denver statue.
Thursday I flew home and had a rest day (other than walking through the airport).
Friday was my birthday, and I celebrated by going out for breakfast with friends and running for 16 miles. I had hoped to get in 20 but I was feeling pretty fatigued and jet lagged.
Saturday was St Patrick’s Day, time for the Irish Jig 5K. I’m not normally a fan of 5Ks (I am not a speedster, plus they are usually expensive compared to trail races when you figure out cost per mile). But lots of our friends were going so DH and I went. I missed my goal of sub 30 by mere seconds. Ugh! Oh well, it was fun, plus I did just do a long run the day before so I can’t complain.
Afterwards we went out to SpeakEZ for celebratory drinks. One of the runners had completed his very first 5K so he bought a round of Breakfast Shots. These were super delicious! Jameson and butterscotch with a side of OJ and bacon.
The race itself was pretty much what I expected. Lots of costumes, very crowded, long port a john lines. Not my typical scene but like I said, since I had so many friends running it I had fun.

Then DH and I took a nap and went to our friends to celebrate their anniversary. It was a super fun day! Good thing today (Sunday) is a rest day.

Did you run a 5K or celebrate St Patrick’s Day? Let me know in the comments below!
For more fitness inspiration be sure to check out these running link ups: The Weekly Wrap hosted by hosted by HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home and Tuesdays on the Run with Patty, Erika, and Marcia!
Hey, Happy Birthday! Isn’t March a great month for a birthday 😉 I’d love to find a place with all those steps to “play”on LOL I did two St. Patrick-themed races this year…lots of green!
I’ve seen the signs for Red Rocks Amphitheater on trips to Denver, but I’ve never gone. This time I’m going. The stairs sound like a great workout and I want to see the statue of John Denver. Happy Birthday! I think going for a run is the best way to celebrate. Great job on the 5k this weekend. Thanks for linking.
Happy Birthday Wendy! Sounds like you were very near where a friend of mine lives in Denver. So beautiful to run there and at Red Rocks!
Happy belated birthday! I bet you’re tired from all that traveling! But it’s great you got to explore some of the trails around Denver.
Have a great week–thanks for linking!
Happy belated birthday! I’ve been to Denver several times but never made it to the ampitheater.
Sounds like a great way to celebrate your birthday — although usually I don’t actually get a run in on mine.
I didn’t race. I am not quite race ready yet — not even for short races. in a couple of weeks, maybe.
I have been reading many recaps on St Patty’s day races. They all sounds fun. I had a race this weekend as well but it was not a St.Patty’s Day theme. I was a bit jet lagged as well after traveling to the west coast for the race.
Happy Birthday!