My first ebook is here! I was inspired to write Jump Start Your Resolution because I realized how pointless New Year’s resolutions usually are. I mean, there are only so many times you can tell yourself that you are going to lose weight or get organized and fail at it before you give up.
Rather than give up, I decided to take what I’ve learned through facilitating group consensus building and apply it to my own resolutions. The result? After thinking through what it is I wanted to accomplish, brainstorming how I could accomplish it and what my stumbling blocks are, I have a concrete plan of action!
If YOU are tired of making the same resolutions each year but not getting anywhere, download this ebook today and get ready to create an actionable plan.
In Jump Start Your Resolution, I share this creative method with you and provide three examples from my own life. One of those is below:
This is a workbook that takes about 90 minutes per resolution to complete. You don’t have to do it all in one setting though! It’s a great way to develop a plan before New Year’s. Download today and get a jump start on your resolution.
I’d love to hear about your resolutions!
Congrats on the eBook Wendy! Sounds like it’s filled with great information. Typically I am not a resolution maker. There’s no time like the present to take on new challenges, right?