It’s time for another book review & giveaway! In the Kitchen: Real Food Basics by Kate Tietje. This one is a must-have for those of us who are taking steps towards eating healthfully. I love her down to earth writing style, and how she emphasizes that baby steps are OK!
The table of contents include:
- Our story
- Fat’s real story
- Real dairy
- Grains and the Food Pyramid
- A healthy diet, healthy lifestyle
- Kitchen Tips and Procedures
- Making stock
- Sprouting grains
- Making butter
- Fermented foods
- Sweeteners
- Handy Kitchen Tools
- Baby Steps
- Shopping guide
- Local resources
- Recipes
- Introduction
- Main Dishes
- Sides
- Breads
- Desserts
- The End
To learn more, Click here to visit Modern Alternative Mama.
Win a copy of the ebook!
Kate will send one lucky winner a copy of her ebook. To enter, simply comment below and say why you’d like to win. Deadline for entry: October 28, 2010, midnight EST.
Congratulations jacquie!
As a new mom with a child who is just starting to eat “people” food, I want to make sure I teach him to eat healthy and be aware of what he is consuming. However, that means my husband and I have started to re-examine the way we eat. This cookbook seems like it would be such a help as we dive deeper into our new food journey.
I have to children and am slowly trying to change our family over to real food instead of processed calories. This looks like a great source on that path. It is an uphill battle after a whole life of eating because it was convenient I need all the help I can to re teach my body, mind and spouse that food is more than just calories and fake flavors…
i don’t know anything about sprouting/using sprouted ingredients and would be interested in learning more – this sounds like a good place to start.
My family has just started the journey of real food. Unfortunately for our budget, my husband is back in school right now so we can’t afford pastured meat right now…but I plan to work on that as soon as we can afford it. In the meantime, I’m trying to make all of us thinner & healthier. Would love a chance to read this book!
Ever since I had stomach surgery (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) in January, I’ve had fun trying to cook up healthy and yummy meals for myself. Now that I’m married! :), I really try to find meals that are still healthy and delicious that don’t make the hubby feel like he’s missing out on something due to my special dietary restrictions (mainly lots of protein, low on things like potatoes, pasta, & rice). I would LOVE to win this cookbook to make things just a little easier!
We’ve always tried to eat healthily and mostly stick to from-scratch home cooking and my husband also has quite a talent for it. I love creating new recipes – based on many international flavors. LOVE variety! One day I may even have a website 😉 and I do plan to write books when retired. But the “eat local” and “fresh from the farm” concepts reached us only in the last 3 years; we try to more and more eat local or organic, and include lots of vegetables! Am very glad to have discovered your site from the tammysrecipes site. Will re-visit and share it! I would be thrilled to receive the book to keep me on track more. Thank you. Wishing you continued success!
Yes! Please count me in! I know a little bit about a lot of things, and I definitely need to know more about real foods!
I have a passion for food and can never learn enough! Local, fresh foods are my style, and recently have been trying to “get back to basics!”…..
I’d love to win so I can learn more about Sprouting grains. I enjoy Kate’s blog and I’m sure her book is fabulous!