Well, not the kind where you wake up the next morning and can’t remember exactly what happened, and find yourself downing pepto bismol and tylenol. The virtual kind where you get to meet other blogger and twitter friends.
Earlier this week I attended my very first Taste & Tweet! Participants bought three bottles of Shady Lane wine and we tasted it all at the same time and had a Twitter Chat with the winemaker. It was a blast! You can read more about it here.
And then I try to regularly attend the Real Food Twitter Party.
But I’d have to say I met the MOST people at the Ultimate Blog Party.
2300+ blogs participated. I visited several hundred (yes, my eyes are still bleary – and that was BEFORE the Taste & Tweet!
I added lots of them to my Google Reader. Probably my top three were:
Ms. Michalek (who was actually already a reader but finally broke her silence!)
Average Radical (who turned out to be practically my neighbor!)
and Island Homemaker, who I’ve clicked through to on my Reader articles many times already.
I have to say, I’m kind of sad that party is over. It was so fun meeting so many people, even if virtually. And who knows – some of my best friends have been people I’ve met on the Internet. Including my husband! (yes, that’s right, we’re a Match.com success story).
So party on!
The party was great! I think it should have been two weeks long!!
Shamrocks and Shenanigans
.-= Shamrocks and Shenanigans´s last blog ..Cheap Cookie Cutters with my Butter Cookies =-.
Happy SITS Saturday share fest! Thanx for coming by my blog!!!
I looove food – so food parties just have to be great!!!
.-= Chennifer´s last blog ..Hunting for Latina Books =-.
Thanks for the link love, doll. I’m glad we stumbled across each other. Local likeminded people are hard to come by, and for all I know, you’re literally just down the road. The internet is a wacky little world. 🙂
.-= Em.´s last blog ..Life in Numbers: Vol 6 =-.
This is so neat. I am having reading all these cool blogs that i found thru the UBP. i found it a little late for the real party. But all these links are still there so i am haveing so much fun checking them out. You have done a great job on your blog! well be back!
My husband and I met at Match.com too!