Mmmm, homemade ice cream. I remember the first time I tried it – I used raw milk, sugar, and vanilla. It was heavenly. More like iced milk than ice cream, but tasty all the same.
We’re down to the last two weeks of the Back to Basics  cooking series, and while I have enjoyed brushing up on my culinary skills over the past four months, I’m itching to get into the garden and start cooking with all the spring goodies that are popping up. Sorrel, rhubarb, dandelions, and more.
This week we’re talking about ice cream, which is sort of coincidental because I was at a cooking demonstration just a couple of weeks ago and ice cream was featured, along with a very tasty strawberry and apple fruit compote.
You can definitely make ice cream without an ice cream maker, it will just be more grainy and not quite as creamy. If you do get an ice cream maker, I suggest the Kitchen Aid attachment – it simply stores in the freezer and takes up less room in the cupboard.
Also, don’t be afraid to experiment! You can substitute various milks for the cream, sweeten with honey, and use all manner of fruits and herbs and flavorings. Google is your friend. Once you find a basic vanilla ice cream that your family enjoys, you can enjoy perfecting it and trying various seasonal combinations.
If you make your own ice cream, link up your favorite recipes or share your tips below. If you haven’t yet tried it, why not experiment over the weekend and let us know how it turns out?
This post shared at Frugal Friday, Monday Mania, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
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I love making homemade ice cream! Here is my tag:
I just got my ice cream maker last summer, but I had so much fun with it! I can’t wait to start making ice cream again this summer. 🙂
Here are two of my favorite recipes:
Raspberry Frozen Greek Yogurt –
Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream (to DIE for!) –