As I think I mentioned, I’m seeing a holistic health practitioner who had me on a “detox” for two weeks in which I was supposed to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugar as much as possible and limit grains to one serving per day. How did it go?
As my doctor had predicted, I didn’t follow the guidelines perfectly, but my food log was miles ahead of what it had been before. I was actually down a couple of pounds, but traveled the last two days and am bloated from all the salt which seems unavoidable when eating on the road. So weight loss – check, but not sure how much.
My energy was through the roof. I found myself cleaning around 9 PM last weekend, and DH was shocked. Normally I am so ready for bed by 9 and am tired throughout the day. I’m also feeling a lot better in general and a lot more regular.
I found it difficult to go without grains, as was evidenced by my food log. My doctor said, “I’m going to make your life a lot more difficult. Sorry about that. But I think you are sensitive to gluten.” Now, even if one doesn’t put much stock in nutrition response testing, going gluten-free is sort of trendy right now. So I’m going to give it a try.
But you know what? If it makes me feel even better than I do right now, I’m willing to give it a go. Am I going to do it perfectly? No. But I discovered that even going mostly caffeine and sugar free has done wonders. So I might as well see how this works out.
Go, Wendy! Will be excited to hear how you feel!
Maybe “trendy,” maybe just more readily diagnosed, or maybe our daily lives and the substances we are in contact with constantly are triggering more allergies, more sensitivities? I surely don’t have the answers. I do know that there is an upcoming event spotlighting info on living gluten free and gluten-free products. Gluten Free Food Fair at the DeltaPlex on Saturday, May 7, 10am to 5pm. for details…
ooh thanks for the lead!
I think it’s good that we’re becoming more aware of how foods affect us. It’ll be interesting to see what your experiencing is with going gluten free. Keep us posted!
Hugs. I promise there is life after gluten. And even dairy. I’ve been GFCF since 2006 and it was the best thing I ever did for my health. I wasn’t able to improve my health until I got off of my allergens and healed my gut. There’s lots of GFCF recipes on my blog if you need some inspiration or a place to start.
Thank you for the encouragement–heading over to your blog now! It is crazy to me how many things gluten is in. Like Soy sauce???
I don’t think it should be “trendy”. When people say they are going gluten free to loose weight. That’s crazy. I am allergic to wheat, and gluten intolerant. (my docs think I have celiac disease but I won’t start eating gluten again to find out.)
Eating pre-made gluten free foods can make you gain weight. They are often filled with all sorts of other junk to make them taste better. Be cautious.
My blog is all gluten free, if you need some inspiration.
I focus on eating naturally gluten free most of the time. But I also have fructose intolerance. I just found this out last month. It’s much harder.
If you need any help, feel free to give me a shout.
Just curious, what are your symptoms? What happens if you eat gluten? For example if I eat cranberies my face breaks out in hives and my throat swells. On the other hand, if I avoid sugar and cut down on processed foods I feel a whole lot better, but if I do eat a candy bar I don’t have allergic symptoms or anything in the same way that I would if I ate cranberries, know what I mean?