The first thing I learned from Get Energy!: Empower Your Body, Love Your Life is that Denise Austin is 50 years “young.” Wow! She has been around awhile, so my expectations weren’t very high for this book. I was pleasantly surprised.
I’ve read my share of diet books, so I was glad to see that this isn’t a diet book, but focuses on how to get more energy (which, couldn’t we all use?)
The book is divided into three parts. In the first part you take a quiz to find out what’s zapping your energy (for me, it was that I wasn’t exercising and have a demanding job). Part two includes tips for addressing the energy suckers addressed in part one. And part three includes a 14-day PEP plan, which I have bookmarked for later simply because I have way too much else on my plate right now.
Overall, I really liked it. And you can win a copy of your own!
How to Enter
To enter, simply comment below saying why YOU need more energy. Entries will be accepted until January 13, 2011, midnight EST. Limited to the U.S. and Canada. The publisher sent me a free review copy but all opinions are my own, and they are kindly sending THREE winners from my blog a copy of the book. They wanted me to tell you that Winners will be subject to the one copy per household rule, which means that if they win the same title in two or more contests, they will receive only one copy of the title (or one set in the case of grouped giveaways) in the mail. Oh, and the link at the beginning of the post is an affiliate link, in case you were wondering. I think that’s all the fine print I have for today.
Good luck!
because I have 3 kids. . .
I need more energy so I can get more done than watch Star Trek episodes after work. I want to be able to clean my house, cook a healthy dinner, blog, and have enough energy to have a real conversation with my husband!
my kids are grown, my body is tired, i’m getting old and really need the energy! Thanks for the contest!!
i am always tired
I do childcare in my home alone! No helpers, just me and a 4 yr old and 7 mos old. Plus I have a 19 and 20 yr old at home too who dont get along always and love to aggravate each other! My husband lost his job 4 mos ago and hasnt been able to find another after 27 yrs with one company! I am 50 yrs old, tired and need some real energy to keep up!
I’ve been unemployed and it’s starting to wear me down…I need energy to look for a new job!
So sorry to hear that. Best wishes in your job search!
diabetes is sucking the energy out of me on top of having two kids 4 and 5 . I am very worn out.
I think life is just sucking my energy. By the time I get home, I don’t want to do anything. And my hubby is the same way. I think this book could help us BOTH get more energy! We are planning to start working out, but we have to do it BEFORE work, so we need the energy (and motivation) to get up early to do it! (I LOVE Denise and her tips are usually great!)
I work nights which makes sleeping hard.
I am always tired so need energy!
I need more energy to keep up with my workload!
To keep up with my kids!
I don’t know what is wrong with my body, but within an hour of waking up, I am ready for a nap… however I don’t take one. I feel groggy all day, so I really need more natural energy instead of the caffeine induces energy.
oh no, have you been checked for sleep apnea? I had a similar problem and am supposed to use a CPAP. When I use it, it helps.
I need more energy because I am always wiped out at the end of a work day.
I need more energy because law school is really draining mentally and physically
I need more energy so that I can keep up with my 2-year-old and 4-year-old!
I need more energy to keep up with a hectic job.
I’m pregnant with our first child – due in 7 weeks – and I know that after s/he gets here I’m going to need some serious energy to get through the day!
so my house stays cleaner!
I need more energy to fight my many chronic illnesses.
On the days I feel better, I know if I had more energy I could get more done. And I know if I had more energy, I’d have more energy to fight. Every day is a fight and I need all the energy I can get. I’m determined to get healthier!
More Energy should improve my overall mental & physical health (witch I really need). And Denise is so full of life and very good motivator. Thanks.
First, I love your fine print 😉
Were we talking about adrenal fatigue tonight? I think that’s part of my energy issue. I need more energy because I’m trying to do too much extracurricular stuff around my “real job” that I hate. How’s that for being honest? I wish I could devote all my time to the things I love. (Don’t we all.) Another issue was not taking the time to workout and run. I ran 3 miles on Sunday. It’s a start. Hopefully tomorrow will be day 2 (if I can get myself to bed right now!). 😉
with multiple migraines a week I need some energy to get me moving and maybe even make me feel better
i need more energy to shovel all the snow headin our way (12-15″ here very soon!)
I am tired ALL the time. I need energy to get through the day at work, keep my house in order and keep up with my family
I need more energy to keep up with my kids and our crazy schedule.
I have a 5 year old and a one year old. My 5 year old is in swimming and dance, plus school. They keep me very busy, so I can use all the energy I can get.
I need more energy because I work with 13 three year olds every day.
I need more energy because I always have big plans but only have the energy to get a few things done before I feel worn out
I either need a 48 hour day or more energy!
I need more energy because I have a super energetic 6 year old to keep up with
jdmimi at gmail dot com
WITH 6 cats,1 dog,2 teenagers,1 husband and a house,anything that can give me more energy is good!
Love to win this book. I’m on my way to some weight loss and need more helpful tips. Thanks!
Because my sons legs are getting longer and he’s harder to keep up with. 😉
Well I can always use more energy to keep up with my 7 kids and 1 on the way! 😉
i need more energy because im getting older and no spring chicken 🙁
I need more energy so i don’t doze off at work
I need more energy to keep up with my kids
I need more energy because I’ve been feeling terrible lately, very lethargic.
because there’s so much to do and never enough time or energy
I need more energy because with my job and family I am always running out of energy and at the end of the day I am exhausted.