Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a meal plan that you can use no matter what season it is? To be able to go to the farmers market, buy whatever looks fresh, and know that you can turn it into dinner?
A flexible, seasonal meal plan template is my next project, and I’m hoping you can help! Do you have recipes that lend themselves to substitutions? For example, you can put just about any vegetable into a frittata, or soup, or pasta salad; any berry into a muffin; or fruit into a pie.
One of the things I absolutely love about Simply in Season Expanded Edition (World Community Cookbook) is that it always offers substitution options. Wouldn’t it be handy to have a stack of recipe templates that you could pull out and use whatever you had on hand or received in the CSA pickup?
I mean, I know experienced cooks can just whip this stuff up out of their heads, but for those of us who need a little extra direction, I think a collection of such recipes would be super helpful.
SO. Please post your recipes below. If you have a link to something you’ve written on your blog, feel free to post that – but only if it also includes directions for substitutions! If you have ideas but not a specific recipe, feel free to add that below too. (For example, do you always add 2 cups of shredded vegetables to your tacos?)
Together, we can do this!
This post shared at Frugal Friday
Crystal @ Crystal's Cozy Kitchen
This is a great one that we’ve used a few times… http://crystalscozykitchen.blogspot.com/2011/07/pasta-and-bean-salad.html. You can use basically any type of grain – I’ve used rice as well. Quinoa would be great and you could omit the beans (or keep for extra protein!). It’s a great mix and match recipe.
Katie @ Kitchen Stewardship
Love this recipe any time of year! http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2009/09/30/recipe-connection-veggie-bean-burritos/