If you read a lot of food blogs, like I do, you have probably come across all manner of cookies, cakes, candies, breads, drinks, and whatever else you can do with flour, butter, sugar, and cream these past few weeks. Like most Americans, you probably plan to make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, exercise more, and/or eat more healthfully.
One of the things that bug me about the media is that they tend to sell quick fixes, as in “lose 10 pounds in a week with this secret diet!” “Take this pill and lose weight without dieting or exercise!” Oh, and if you go to the store everything seems to be labeled fat-free, carb-free, or 100 calorie.
I’ve done a lot of research, and know from experience, that it IS possible to lose weight eating real food. As in meat, vegetables, some fruit and whole grain. Real dairy. What I need help with is motivation and accountability. For example, for the past two weeks I’ve been really stressed about the downsizing at work. So what do I eat? Little Caesar’s. Not fresh. Not local. Not natural. And then I feel bloated and as though I drank a pint of grease. Ugh!
That’s why I’m introducing Fit Jerk Fridays. Fit Jerk of www.flawlessfitnessbook.com has agreed to give us a pep talk every Friday. What I love about his style is that he tells it like it is.
Please join us every Friday starting on January 1 for a pep talk and healthy recipe exchange. Post your favorite healthy recipes, and check in with others who are also committed to eating healthy in the New Year.
More details next week . . . for now, bookmark this page or subscribe to The Local Cook Weekly Newsletter to make sure you don’t miss anything!
As much as we would all like the quick fix, it just isn’t happening. Slow and steady wins the race.
Great idea! I think I am actually going to feature some healthier recipes through January to get us all back on track. That way maybe reading food blogs won’t be so hazardous. At least for a little while!