Normally I’m a glass half full kind of gal. But this past week was simply atrocious. I was tempted to title this post “Life’s Gonna Suck When You Grow Up.” (I love that song, you can find the lyrics here). DH and I agreed that it’s hard to be an adult sometimes.
In order to find the silver lining, I decided to take a different approach. Here are a list of 7 Things I said goodbye to this week, as well as 7 Things I said hello to.
1. Goodbye, Super Green Hosting. Hello, Host Duplex.
Hoping to make the switch this weekend. I was devastated to be offline for FOUR days, and losing a week’s worth of posts despite having paid for daily backups. But, I have been so grateful for all the words of encouragement that I’ve received.
2. Goodbye, Mother-in-Law’s Foot. Hello, Family Togetherness.
One thing I haven’t posted is that last Sunday we discovered my MIL would have to have her foot amputated. DH, her sister, and I went to the hospital to talk with the doctors, and made the decision. She’s been sick for a long time, and we think it’s been the infection that never went away over the past year. I left for my business trip on Monday, so while I was gone I kept checking FaceBook and texting DH for status updates. She made it through surgery and is recovering. It’s going to be a long road though. It has made me very appreciative of family.
3. Goodbye Extended Adolescence. Hello Adulthood.
This experience has really emphasized to us that we are no longer the kids in the family. We’ve had to step up and take care of MIL’s dog, house, and DH and his sister are looking for rehab facilities. Also making decisions with MIL about whether to make her trailer handicap accessible or sell it and find an apartment. I remember not too long ago my own parents going through this with my grandparents.
4. Goodbye Furnace, Hello 50 degree weather.
To add insult to injury, our furnace went out yesterday. Today’s high is supposed to be 50 degrees. We’re donning sweaters and waiting until Monday to call the repairman so we don’t have to pay weekend rates. If it gets too cold we do have a wood burning stove in our back living room. I’m starting to like the idea of being more self sufficient . . .
5. Goodbye September, Hello October.
Along with chillier weather, lots of fall produce has arrived at the farmer’s market and hopefully at our CSA soon as well. I can’t wait for butternut squash! I will miss the summer produce, but I’m ready to move into fall.
6. Goodbye New York and Indianapolis, Hello Home.
I was gone all last week, lots of driving and flights. I had some wonderful meetings but am so glad to be home! I’ll take some coffee with a splash of raw cream and some scrambled eggs from the farm over a buffet of stale muffins, fruit loops, and green bananas any day!
7. Goodbye Sickness, Hello Health.
My cold finally went away. Yay! I have decided that I much prefer being healthy to being sick, and the experience with my mother in law has also brought home the fact that I really need to buckle down and lose some weight. Wish me luck!
I always look forward to October. As soon as September starts, I get ancy and want October to start. I’m sorry to hear about your mother-in-laws foot! I hope she is doing ok. October will be a better month!
Hope your MIL, is feeling better!
October is a great month, well every month is and brings its torments. Enjoy the fresh produce from the farmers and make comfort food to aliviate the stresss september left! Lots of love your way.
I hope your mother-in-law is doing well. And I’m with you in hating hotel buffet breakfasts.
Hope October is better to you and that your MIL is healing well.