As my friend Holly pointed out, if you ask someone when they are having kids, the answer is that “you’ve either annoyed or depressed me.”
I’ve come to accept that my furbabies, Grigio and Nero (above, they’re Italian Greyhounds), are the only children that DH and I will have unless we choose to adopt. Which is unlikely at this point as we are enjoying being childfree. I know that for others, infertility is a daily struggle. Which is why I wanted to let my readers know about my friend Donielle’s upcoming ecourse.
According to Donielle, infertility now strikes one in six couples, one out of five known pregnancies end in miscarriage, and our children are increasingly suffering from disease and disorders like ADD, autism, learning difficulties, behavior issues, depression, allergies, and asthma.
She says, it’s time to become empowered and reclaim your natural fertility and have truly healthy babies.
This one-of-a-kind 12 week multi media course will be a breath of fresh air in an otherwise depressing world of unfortunate statistics. With these classes you will learn:
- How to cleanse your body of toxins
- Why common products you use may be contributing to your infertility
- What exercises can help you prepare your body for conception and pregnancy
- How to pin point ovulation
- What to eat…..and what not to eat
- Alternative treatments for infertility
Donielle is an online and offline friend, so I trust her. You can find out more about the class by clicking the ad below. Some of the topics sound great to me, and I’m not even able to get knocked up! But who isn’t trying to get more healthy these days? The state of our food system is truly alarming, as I’ve learned over the past ten months of blogging through Simply in Season.
P.S. FYI If you do click through and purchase the course, I will get a small commission. The FTC wants me to tell you that :-)
This post linked to Works for Me Wednesday and Things I Love Thursday
you’re friend is so right–people should NEVER ask “when are you having kids?” it’s nosy and presumptuous!
donielle’s story is so interesting, and the connection between food and fertility was not one i’d considered until recently.
I’m often surprised at the number of infertile couples I know. A friend of mine is currently going through the adoption process for the second time & it’s heart wrenching to watch all they have to go through. On another note, a clean body is a healthy body and real food is a powerful way to help. Looks like a good course 🙂
Questions of this nature, including, “Are you going to get married?” are simply an invasion. I’ve noticed that the people who tend to ask questions like this usually do so well before they know you well. Ugh. Insesnsitive!
I knew I didn’t want to have kids since I was about 5 years old. Seriously–ask my mom and she will confirm. I never would play “house”–always “school” or “soap opera” (just copied what I saw on mom’s stories). When I grew up, I would tell people this and they would say, “You’ll meet a nice man and want to give him a son!!11!!1” Um, no. In my dating days, I ended several relationships b/c the man *claimed* he wanted kids one day. (I say it with emphasis because I don’t know how many men truly *want* kids–they agree to have them, but I don’t know how many actually want them. I know that is terribly cynical, but remember it’s just MHO). I met my husband online and clearly stated NOT HAVING KIDS. On about our fifth date, he mentioned he felt the same way and that is when I thought maybe he and I would get married one day and sho’ ’nuff, we did.
There are myriad reasons why I never wanted kids of my own but the reality is, they are MY reasons. Further, and perhaps most importantly, I’ve always wondered why other folks give a shit about my vagina. (It’s a lovely vagina, I might add). Some folks get so defensive and upset that you aren’t having kids that I have to wonder…why? I have some ideas that I won’t go into here. I would never, for instance, get all bunged up if someone wasn’t getting married, wasn’t having dogs, wasn’t going to become a teacher like me.
I am constantly grateful that we are childfree. I’m sure there are up sides to having kids and I know that some folks get great joy out of it–God bless them. I get just as much joy from teaching, esp. the part where I get a decent paycheck every two weeks and get to send them home at 3pm.
Having said that, I wish the best for your friend. I do think that the crap in what we eat and drink has a lot to do with the infertility, the autism, the LD, etc.
I find that question rather annoying myself. I had a first trimester miscarriage before getting pregnant with my son and while I was grieving I never wanted to hear that question!
Hi! I found you thru Works for me Wednesday……I LOVE your whippets!!!!!! I have one too..Denny…they are the most awesome dogs ever!!!!! Beth
Excellant post! I’m sorry for the rude questions … I got the other … ‘when are you going to STOP having children’? Most people are just curious and mean no harm – but intrusive questions can hurt.
Your words are wise and there is a lot to learn in our culture about what you’ve written about. Found you on WFMW.