Spring Detox {Fitness Friday}
You can't open a magazine these days without reading about spring detoxes. There are questionable chemical methods, the maple syrup and lemon juice method, and various other things that make ya go "hmmm."
You can't open a magazine these days without reading about spring detoxes. There are questionable chemical methods, the maple syrup and lemon juice method, and various other things that make ya go "hmmm."
No weight loss to report this week. Instead I have some musings on vitamins, ayurveda, holistic medicine, and other stuff.
A couple of more pounds and I'll be back down to 12 pounds lost (net) for the year. Today I thought I'd share a tip with you that I just learned on the Clutter Diet that works just as well for weight loss!
I am holding steady, no loss or gain to report. I’ve been slacking off on counting calories and not exercising. Seems to be a common theme among weight loss bloggers–I saw a sign the other day that said “Februdreary.”
It drives my husband nuts, but when it comes to sports I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I trained for a 10K one year and ended up walking most of it because I came across a really nice group of ladies who were just trying to finish using the run/walk intervals. I enjoyed the scenery and made new friends. The photo above is me and the group I trained with after my first sprint triathlon. I had three goals for that race: 1) Don't drown. 2) Finish. 3) Don't be the very last person.