Real Food for Rookies Giveaway!
I'm so excited that my friend Kelly the Kitchen Kop has agreed to give away a full class to one of my readers! If you need help getting started with real food, this is the class for you.
I'm so excited that my friend Kelly the Kitchen Kop has agreed to give away a full class to one of my readers! If you need help getting started with real food, this is the class for you.
I was so excited when my friend Katie, who blogs at Kitchen Stewardship, told me she was writing a book about beans. When I finally got a copy to review, I wasn't disappointed! Best of all, she's letting me give away two copies of this ebook to my readers!
Things I Love Thursday is your chance to see what I've been reviewing.
I can tell that the holidays are over, because all of a sudden I'm getting super busy again at work. Travel, appointments, and new projects are starting to take over my desk. While I use Google Calendar to keep track of appointments and meetings (as required per our company), my "to do" list is comprised of various sticky notes and scribbles on hotel scrap paper pads.
I actually have been thinking about this on and off over the past couple of years. I have two dogs, Nero and Grigio. They’re Italian Greyhounds and adorable if I do say so myself.