Urban Food Production Day
Anyone else find it ironic that they are celebrating Urban Food Production Day in Bangladesh, whereas in the United States it's National Peanut Butter Lover's Day?
Anyone else find it ironic that they are celebrating Urban Food Production Day in Bangladesh, whereas in the United States it's National Peanut Butter Lover's Day?
OK cooking magazines, stop teasing me with your photos of steamed asparagus and strawberry shortcake. Here in Michigan we have at least three more months before the ground gives up anything new. To celebrate winter, here are some of my favorite soups & stews.
It drives my husband nuts, but when it comes to sports I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I trained for a 10K one year and ended up walking most of it because I came across a really nice group of ladies who were just trying to finish using the run/walk intervals. I enjoyed the scenery and made new friends. The photo above is me and the group I trained with after my first sprint triathlon. I had three goals for that race: 1) Don't drown. 2) Finish. 3) Don't be the very last person.
I can tell that the holidays are over, because all of a sudden I'm getting super busy again at work. Travel, appointments, and new projects are starting to take over my desk. While I use Google Calendar to keep track of appointments and meetings (as required per our company), my "to do" list is comprised of various sticky notes and scribbles on hotel scrap paper pads.
Welcome to the "clothing" edition of the Simple Living Challenge. This is an area that I really want to get under control!