10 Best Apple Recipes
Once again it's time to look through the archives, this time for apple recipes. While I do love a honeycrisp on its own, there are so many versatile uses for apples. Here are some of my favorite apple recipes:
Once again it's time to look through the archives, this time for apple recipes. While I do love a honeycrisp on its own, there are so many versatile uses for apples. Here are some of my favorite apple recipes:
First, let me say that although this book is written for singles, it is FULL of information that is relevant for anyone who cooks, whether that’s for yourself or your family. I wish I had this book when I first started to learn how to cook.
I love chocolate as much as the next person. Heck, probably MORE than the next person. But it troubles me to learn that so much of the chocolate we enjoy, and hand out to children at Halloween, is tainted with child labor.
Did you know that M&M’s comes out with new flavors beyond just peanut and plain? Maybe because I'm not a mom, but I had no idea! So when Collective Bias asked me to come up with a recipe featuring the new M&M’s Candy Corn White Chocolate Candies, I was intrigued.
As you probably know, part of my desire to eat locally has to do with how our eating habits impact the world. Since I work for an international relief and development organization, I have been up close and personal with extreme poverty. That's why I'm so excited about the 58 Initiative.