Today I’m sharing a guest post by my sister! Mary received the Healthy Kids Plate and agreed to review it for the blog.

So my daughter was excited to receive a new plate for dinner. It was, after all, much more colorful and fun than our typical dinner plates.
I was excited to help her eat a balanced dinner. I try to make sure she is eating healthy, but with a picky eater, it can be difficult. I don’t like to fight about food. I think it isn’t healthy for anybody. We do have a rule of at least trying everything on our plate. The rule is Sniff It, Lick It, Take a Bite. My sister-in-law has even implemented this rule with one of her picky eater friends. It works 🙂

When making lunch or dinner and knowing I need to fill in each of those spaces, it has helped me be more conscious of making sure my daughter (and the rest of the family!) is getting the right amount of foods from each of the food groups. It’s important to note too, that the portions are reflective of the portions we should be eating. Notice that the Fruits section is smaller than the Vegetables. This is something I struggle with, so it has been helpful to have a visual reminder when plating our dinner.
It’s been fun to see my daughter become more interested in the food groups too. I had peanut butter in her protein section one evening and she said, “This doesn’t say peanut butter.” We were able to talk about different foods that give her protein. It was a fun conversation at the dinner table.

Disclosure: We received a healthy plate (affiliate link) to review. All opinions are my sister’s (and my niece’s!)
What a clever idea to get kids interested in what’s on their plate!
Where can I buy the plate
thank you for asking, looks like the link needs to be updated! Here it is on Amazon: