I don’t normally do the whole “word of the year” thing, but I’ve felt called to choose joy. I know there’s a book out there with this title (Choose Joy: Finding Hope and Purpose When Life Hurts) that’s getting a lot of press, but my version is a bit different. You see, I think we need to add joy even when life doesn’t hurt. Especially when it doesn’t hurt. I find that my faith and sense of purpose get lost when things are running A-OK.
I’m working on developing a challenge during Lent that will encourage us to add joy every day. Stay tuned!
Marathon / Triathlon Training Update
I had a cold last week that is just finally going away. I had a difference of opinion with DH on whether I should have run during the week or not. I felt really exhausted so I did not do any of my short runs. I did do my scheduled 8 mile long run on Saturday with the group and felt good, although exhausted at the end. Whose approach is better? Maybe not better, but curious–do you work out when you are under the weather?
This week I intend to get my runs in and add biking. I haven’t decided about swimming yet because I’m getting a tattoo on Friday which means no swimming after that for a couple of weeks. I’ve been researching online trainer videos and not finding much, unfortunately. I may dig out my old Spinervals DVDs and see if they are compatible with my laptop.
Cooking / Cleaning Update
I guess these are really two separate categories, but for me they are kind of linked because I am starting my cleaning regimen by obsessively cleaning my sink every night and making sure the dishes are in the dishwasher. Which in turn makes my countertops all shiny and makes me want to cook dinner, because it’s such a pleasant space. Speaking of dinner, meal planning and freezer to crockpot meals are going great! We did break down and go out for sushi last Friday just because it had been so long since we went out to eat. And yes it does feel a bit guilty when I know there is food in the refrigerator to eat. But the sushi was good 🙂 And it was nice spending time with my sister in law.
Wellness Update
So I’m trying not to go overboard here, but now that I’m cooking at home regularly and came down with a cold, I have been digging through my old wellness information. I feel SO much better after losing weight, but now that I’ve been at my goal weight awhile I am starting to notice that I could feel even better. Now that weight loss is no longer my primary concern, I am curious about how I might incorporate some of the wellness things I’ve tried in the past. Only in a way that won’t make me crazy or go off the real food rails. I’m toying with adding herbal infusions, bone broth, and kombucha into my diet. Expect future posts on those topics!
How are your New Year’s resolutions going? Please share in the comments below!
This post shared at the Weekly Wrap and The Weekly Chase
I didn’t make any resolutions, but I do have some goals and an intention to live more joyfully! So I’m looking forward to your post on that! 2016 hasn’t exactly thrown a lot of joy my way. I’m ready!
You deserve it!
I hope you are feeling better now. I do continue my workouts as long as I’m not feverish or have congestion in my lungs. I’m impressed that you cook dinner every night. I find it is so hard for me to get back into a cooking routine after I’ve been traveling. I want someone to cook it and clean it up for me. And going to the grocery store is not my favorite task these days. I didn’t make New Years Resolutions and haven’t really had time to sit down and make plans. I feel like my year has just started. Thanks for linking with us!
I totally hear you on the grocery store thing! Luckily there’s one by us that offers curbside service for free. So I just order what I want online and pull up to the curb at the designated time.
I’m with Holly, I feel like my year came a little later than everyone else’s. We had a dang marathon to run! I like your word for your year, it’s such a positive word. What kind of tattoo are you getting and where? Is this your first one? I’ve been thinking about a second one but I don’t know yet. Thanks for linking up with us!
ha ha, yes that’s one advantage of a December marathon, the recovery coincides with the holidays. I will be getting an earth goddess type tattoo on my thigh, with lots of memories from childhood (flowers that my mom grew in her garden, a deer to represent my dad who is a hunter). I have four others so I’m sort of an addict at this point I guess, although they are all easily covered for work. It’s fun sometimes when I take off my cardigan or jacket and boom, there are my shoulder tattoos ha ha. Surprises a lot of people.
I am in the middle of a run streak so I definitely run when I’m under the weather. I just take it a little easier on those days with lower mileage. Hope you feel better soon! And thanks for linking up with me!!!
great for you for keeping up a streak! Thanks for hosting!
Hey, it’s Kristy from the Grow Your Blog Hop. My emails keep coming back saying your email address is undeliverable. Can you shoot me an email with your new email address this weekend, if you were still planning in participating in the hop?
Thanks! You can delete this comment after you get it, I just didn’t know another way to reach out to you.